
Will the REAL June Cleaver Please Stand Up?

The June Cleaver's of the world have always impressed me.

As a child in a dysfunctional home (who's wasn't??), I would look into homes of friends and into the lives of sitcoms and assume everyone else had a 'normal', pleasant and functional family.

As a grown woman, wife and mother, I see those families and mothers in a true light...they were not reality. Nothing was as it seemed. Did I hear an 'Amen'??

But when I met Jesus He introduced me, through the pages of His Word, to a most profound woman. She FAR exceeds the Cleavers, the Osmonds, or the Huxtables.

She is nameless in Scripture, though women like Ruth are given as real life examples of her. The Proverbs 31 woman is a beauty! I have been taken by her example since I met her. Most recently, I have come to realize she is the mentor I have always sought. I just didn't realize all the 'mentoring' she has been doing in my life! She has allowed me to peek into her marriage, her parenting, her home and her heart in order to see how a real woman of God lives.

I have recently felt a fresh tug of the Lord to pull up a chair in her home, pour a cup of tea and soak in the truth her life teaches; so that at the end of the day, I can return to my own home and put into practice all I learn.

Won't you join me at her table for a cup of reality? Keep in mind the passage opens with "A wife of noble character who can find? She is worth far more than rubies." (Proverbs 31:10) She is RARE! She is REAL! But she is RARE...and valuable. I have personally not met many women like her. Have you?

I'd love to hear of any P31 woman you know or have known and what made them Proverbs 31 women in your eyes.