As a woman there may be a particular week of darkness each month! Seasons can last a day, a week or even years! Financial struggles, illness, deaths in the family, even moves can bring on a season of darkness...a night season.
I found it encouraging as I dug into Mrs. Proverbs 31's life, that she, too, experiences night seasons...but it is all in how we shine through them!
"She tastes and sees that her gain from work (with and for God) is good; her lamp does not go out, but it burns on continually through the night (of trouble, or sorrow, warning away fear, doubt and distrust)." Proverbs 31:18 AMP
The first part of the verse speaks of her daily tasks being done with and for God, not man! Thus her gain (literally profit, or benefits of wisdom) is good.
This is definitely something I need to meditate on through out the day...Jesus IS right here in the midst of my piled laundry, home school books, and dirty dishes. He is right here when my son asks theological questions about angels. He is right here when the bills exceed the money and He is right here when I get sidetracked on the computer!! (Praise the Lord, He is also quick to convict me!)
The Amplified Bible really casts a new light on her lamp not going out at night. (pardon the pun!) This verse is not necessarily calling us to be up all night, but rather to remain a light even in the dark season of our lives. The Proverbs 31 woman is fruitful in dry seasons!
How is she a light when life is dark? More importantly, how can we be?
Psalm 1 echos an answer for us... "[She] will be like a tree firmly planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in its season And its leaf does not wither; and in whatever [she] does [she] prospers." (verse 3)
We must be firmly planted by streams of Living Water... Jesus! To be firmly planted, our roots are deep and our footing is secure. We have to spend time developing a relationship daily with Jesus...even when life is going well! So that when (because it will) life thrusts us into a dark season, we are firmly planted and able to bear much fruit to the Father's glory!
Are you currently in a night season? Be encouraged to know you are not alone! Verse 6 in the same Psalm promises "The Lord knows the way of the righteous." If you have a relationship with Jesus, he is there and will not ever leave you...He will be the One who makes you shine brightly, even in the night!! Just as the moon shines the light of the sun better at night, we often shine the light of the Son best at night!