
Early Morning Tasks at Mrs. P31's

As we step further into the life and ways of Mrs. P31, let us remember why God has provided us this passage...

"All scripture is inspired by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for training in righteousness; so that the [woman] of God may be adequate, equipped for every good work." (2 Timothy 3:16-17)

NOT for guilt and condemnation, but rather for correction and training so you might be equipped for EVERY good work!

Today, we arrive at Mrs. P31's home early, even before the sun is up, to witness her morning activity...

"She rises while it is yet night and gets (spiritual) food for her household and assigns her maids their tasks." (Proverbs 31:15 Amplified Bible)

Now, most women of her day had to rise early to prepare food for their family. They did not have quick and easy breakfasts!! EVERYTHING was from scratch! But as the Amplified tells us, Mrs. P31 rose extra early in order to provide what her family really needed first...spiritual food!

Job 23:12 tells us, "I have esteemed and treasured the words of His mouth more than my necessary food." This was the heart of Mrs P31. She rose early to dig deep into the Word of God and spend time in prayer for her family first, so that she would be prepared to disciple her children (feed them spiritual food) when they got up. This is not easy...but nothing worth doing ever is!

This verse also points out another aspect of her preparations, she rose early to then assign tasks to her maids. Most of us probably do not have the half dozen or so servants this lady had...or do we? Mine go by the name...dishwasher, washing machine, dryer...praise the Lord for these 'maids'!!

Taking a lesson from Mrs. P31, we can 'assign' our maids their tasks early in the morning...throw in a load of laundry in the morning, turn on the dishwasher before going to bed, so it can be unloaded in the morning, etc....so we can be freed up to disciple our children and minister to our husbands as needed.

Like us, this lady did not assign the maids their tasks and then spend the day chatting at the local well with the gals! Oh, no! She had an 'afar' market to get to and wool and flax to seek, remember?!

She had her priorities in order...as should we! First and best for her family because she had fed on God's truth! I pray we would carry this truth with us as we leave her home today.

Father, I pray You would awaken us morning by morning , awaken my ear to hear as a disciple, that I might feed daily on Your live-giving Word and be prepared then to feed my own children on Your Word. Help me to diligently use my time wisely and assign my 'maids their tasks' so I would be freed up to serve my family as You have called me to. By the power and grace of my Savior, Jesus. Amen.