What do you think of when you think of dressing yourself in the morning?
Stylish clothing, comfortable jeans, cute shoes...
Stylish clothing, comfortable jeans, cute shoes...
1 Peter 3:3-4 reminds us..."Your adornment must not be merely external---braiding the hair, and wearing gold jewelry, or putting on dresses; but let it be the hidden person of the heart, with the imperishable quality of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is precious in the sight of God."
Ever reflecting her Savior, Mrs. P31 dressed herself likewise...
"Strength and dignity are her clothing, And she smiles at the future." Proverbs 31:25
Three applicable points press us into Jesus from this beautiful verse.
1) She dressed in strength. The word translated 'strength' is the Hebrew word 'oz,' it refers to strength and power, it depicts the Lord as the source of one's strength. We saw this to be true in verse 17, as well...when she girded herself with the strength of the Lord.
2) She dresses in dignity. The word that was profound to me is the original word translated 'dignity' in this verse. It is the word 'hadar' meaning to adorn, and it is a word used positively in the sense of showing respect and it denotes the splendor which characterizes God's presence. Did you catch that? Mrs. P31 is clothed in the obvious presence of God! She demonstrated that through her respect for others.
Exodus 33:16 Moses begs God to not remove His presence, because he knew it was the very thing that distinguished God' people from all the other people on the planet! Mrs.P31 knows that, too!
3) She smiles at her future. James 4:14 warns us against boasting in the future, because it is unsure. We are but a vapor...here today, gone tomorrow! So why could Mrs. P31 smile at the future? Because she knows Who holds it. She did not trust in her money, social position, good works or good intentions. She trusts in the One true God. Those who trust Jesus Christ as their Savior and their ONLY way to heaven, can also smile at the future.
Taking it Home:
*What are you and I gaining strength from? Our children? Our money? Our good service?
*What are we respecting? That which GOD respects, esteems and finds value in (ie. other people), or that which the world tells us to respect...OURSELVES!?
*Can you honestly say your spiritual future is secure in Christ and you KNOW you will undoubtedly immediately enter heaven when you die? If not, please click here and feel free to email me with any questions.
*What are you and I gaining strength from? Our children? Our money? Our good service?
*What are we respecting? That which GOD respects, esteems and finds value in (ie. other people), or that which the world tells us to respect...OURSELVES!?
*Can you honestly say your spiritual future is secure in Christ and you KNOW you will undoubtedly immediately enter heaven when you die? If not, please click here and feel free to email me with any questions.