
Looking Like Jesus!

In my home we have a saying we use when we catch one another being humble or a joyful servant. We say "you look like Jesus." My boys love it when I catch them being kind (when they least expect me to see) and whisper in their ear..."You looked like Jesus right there." They always smile big!

In our journey with Mrs. Proverbs 31, we come to a verse that had me thinking someone ought to whisper to her "you look like Jesus." As I dug deeper into the verse the Lord revealed to me just how much!

Proverbs 31:20 reads "She extends her hand to the poor, And she stretches out her hands to the needy."

The original Hebrew root word translated 'poor' in this verse is the same root word translated 'poor' or 'afflicted' in Isaiah 61:1...the very ministry description of Christ.

"The Spirit of the Lord God is upon me, Because the Lord has anointed me to bring good news to the afflicted..."

The word means poor, afflicted, needy, lowly. It can refer to some one's outward or inward condition. Just as Jesus acted with mercy on those who were afflicted in spirit, Mrs. P31 and those who are pursuing to be like her, must act with godly mercy on those who are poor and needy both inwardly and outwardly.

Elizabeth George says of Mrs. P31 that "without this godly mercy, her industry and activity could make her harsh and hurried; she'd be too busy to care." Without a heart of compassion and mercy, WE can be too busy to care! But through daily time with the Lord in His Word, we can be filled with His Spirit to love and minister to those He gives us eyes to see that day.

Mrs. P31 was rare, not because she gave to the poor, but because she did it out of an overflow of her own relationship with a merciful God.

Taking it home: Are you and I asking the Lord for eyes to see the needs of others...physical and spiritual? Are we too busy with our own lives to stop and pray with a friend? to take a meal to a neighbor? to love on those in need? Let's ask Jesus to search our calendar and teach us to remove 'busyness' that prevents us from stretching out our hand to those in need. Ask Him for eyes to see needs today that you can meet...let's begin within the walls of our home!