
Lived Out Teaching!

This morning, I poured a cup of coffee, extra cream and sugar! And pulled up with an expectant heart to the table of Mrs. P31. Will you join us?

I began with Proverbs 31:1-9 and my eyes were opened to all the crucial instruction this wise mother gives her son. The major 'lessons to remember' included ...

1) not giving his strength to women (strength in this verse is the same word used for virtuous or excellent in the famous verse 10!)
2) not choosing a path that destroys
3) not getting drunk, hence impairing your judgement
4) speak up for those unable to speak up for themselves
5) judge righteously and defend the rights of the needy

In all her good advice and patient teaching, the one thing she alphabetizes and puts emphasis on is finding an excellent wife! Why did she go through the trouble of (in the Hebrew) alphabetizing the next portion of wisdom?

Because as a wife and mother herself, she knew the weight and value a woman has in the home. The wife really is the heart of her home!

"An excellent wife is the crown of her husband" Proverbs 12:4 teaches.

Some say this mother WAS a P31 woman, I tend to agree, since I notice my own sons learn best by EXAMPLE rather than words! This mother probably taught her son by possibly singing and reciting this passage to him, but she probably also LIVED IT OUT! She knew the real outcome and fruit of her son's life would be GREATLY affected by the woman he choose as a bride!
Even a good man can be corrupted by a poor woman! Amen?

As I come away from my time with Mrs. P31 today, I am taking with me a renewed desire to walk my talk to my own children! If you have children, remember they are watching! What are we teaching with actions today?

I am also taking with me the conviction to be the joyful and ever-present wife my husband needs...not as a result of what he does, but as an overflow in love and service to my Savior. How is my heart being reflected in my home and in my service to my dear husband?

I look forward to meeting you in Mrs. P31's bedroom as we discuss marriage with her next time!!