Wives and mothers are no strangers to busyness. At first glance I thought our next verse was just a given--Mrs.Proverbs 31 was busy like we all are, right? Well, not exactly!
"She looks well to the ways of her household, And does not eat the bread of idleness." Proverbs 31:27
This verse, like the ones preceding it, adds another brush stroke to the beautiful and rare portrait of a true woman of God. Yes, she was busy...previous verses have taught us that! But this verse teaches two specific qualities about godliness that go beyond just busyness.
God does not call us to be mindlessly busy for the sake of being busy! The world does!
Mrs.P31's busyness included looking well to the ways of her own household. The key word here can be translated 'keeps watch' or 'looks out over.' She is a mama who knows what is going on in the lives of her family members...physically AND spiritually! She watchfully protects them with much prayer and by purposely staying involved in each moment.
In light of her busyness, she does not eat the bread of idleness. The Amplified Bible says "She looks well to how things go in her household, and the bread of idleness (gossip, discontent and self-pity) she will not eat."
What a clear picture of a woman who is turned away from empty chatter (on the phone, online, or outside the home) which leads to gossip, discontentment and self-pity. And she is turned towards her home-- her husband and family.
How are you and I positioning ourselves today? Are we turned towards the world's temptation to chat all day mindlessly, thus leading us away from our God-given calling to remain busy at home (Titus 2:5)? Or are we remaining protective watchtowers over the lives of the precious gifts God has placed in our care...physically and spiritually?
Father, make us godly watchtowers over the homes You have blessed us with. Give me discernment today to protect my time with my children and husband for Your glory! Thank You for the continued example of Mrs.Proverbs 31. Thank You that she is not to condemn us, because there is no condemnation in Christ. But rather, she is a living example of godliness for those who are seeking to look a bit more like You today. To the praise and glory of Jesus only. Amen.