
Marriage Tips from Mrs. Proverbs 31

There is much to say on the topic of marriage in regards to the lessons from Proverbs 31 alone! Her example is given to us by God (all Scripture is God-breathed see 1 Timothy 3:16-17), for our teaching and reproof.
Let's pray for a teachable heart as we approach a daunting woman.

As we sit with Mrs. Proverbs 31 (who, I do believe was and is and can be a real woman), we see her relationship with her husband clearly through out this passage.

"The heart of her husband trusts in her, And he will have no lack of gain." Proverbs 31:11

This is only one of 4 verses that directly speaks of her husband and one of over 8 verses that indirectly point to her husband and family. This woman has her priorities in order! Her husband is number 1 in her book! And he knows it! He trusts her and knows he will lack nothing he values.

What does your husband value from you? Friendship, intimacy (of course!), a well kept home, being dinner on the table at night...one thing I have learned, is that without asking him, don't guess! I was surprised at how much more my husband valued being greeted at the door than an immaculate home!

A commentary on the Hebrew language says of verse 11 "it paints a picture of this woman as a mighty warrior who utilizes her abilities for the benefit of her husband's domain."

Put it into practice:

Are you and I quick to utilize our abilities for the benefit of our husbands and their domain? No one else may ever know of all our tongue-biting, sweetness and service towards our husbands...but God knows and He is well pleased. What are your gifts and abilities? How are you using them FOR your husband?

Let's dig a bit deeper into Mrs. P31's marriage next time and see how she does him good ALL the days of her life!