
A Benediction

As we rise to leave Mrs. Proverbs 31's home, these last verses call behind us as a benediction we can hold on to.

"Charm is deceitful and beauty is vain, But a woman who fears the Lord, she shall be praised. Give her the product of her hands, And let her works praise her in the gates." Proverbs 31:30-31

The truth of these verses contradicts the lies our culture sells us. They hand us the treasure that women who reverence and worship the one true God can hope in...a woman who fears (literally means reverence and worships) the Lord, she shall be praised.

A reminder our glory is not in our selves and our praise is not to be sought this side of heaven. But the fruit of our hands goes before us and praises us. What kind of fruit are you and I putting our hands to producing?

"But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control" Galatians 5:22-23a

Just as God's presence permeated throughout the verses of Proverbs 31, making her a rarer than rare treasure; His presence goes with every believer, making us distinct and rare treasures for His glory. Exodus 33:16 reminds us that it is the Lord's very presence that sets us apart from all the other people of the earth.

So let's go from Mrs.P31's home and know the real Mrs.P31 is you and me--women who love Jesus and are seeking to glorify Him with their lives, their homes and their ministry to their family. Women who fear the Lord, they shall be praised by the One they serve.

Father, I pray that by the power of your Spirit within us, as believers in Jesus Christ, you would transform our lives as we seek to glorify you in them. Remind us when we come across Mrs. P31 that her portrait is not there to condemn us to take up sewing lessons, but rather to draw ever nearer to the One who can redeem lives and make sinners into saints. Thank you, Father, for all you have taught me through this passage of Scripture...write it boldly on my heart, that I would not soon neglect the high calling of marriage and motherhood for selfish ambitions. Make my life a spot light on Jesus only. To His glory and in His name. Amen.