
Will the REAL June Cleaver Please Stand Up?

The June Cleaver's of the world have always impressed me.

As a child in a dysfunctional home (who's wasn't??), I would look into homes of friends and into the lives of sitcoms and assume everyone else had a 'normal', pleasant and functional family.

As a grown woman, wife and mother, I see those families and mothers in a true light...they were not reality. Nothing was as it seemed. Did I hear an 'Amen'??

But when I met Jesus He introduced me, through the pages of His Word, to a most profound woman. She FAR exceeds the Cleavers, the Osmonds, or the Huxtables.

She is nameless in Scripture, though women like Ruth are given as real life examples of her. The Proverbs 31 woman is a beauty! I have been taken by her example since I met her. Most recently, I have come to realize she is the mentor I have always sought. I just didn't realize all the 'mentoring' she has been doing in my life! She has allowed me to peek into her marriage, her parenting, her home and her heart in order to see how a real woman of God lives.

I have recently felt a fresh tug of the Lord to pull up a chair in her home, pour a cup of tea and soak in the truth her life teaches; so that at the end of the day, I can return to my own home and put into practice all I learn.

Won't you join me at her table for a cup of reality? Keep in mind the passage opens with "A wife of noble character who can find? She is worth far more than rubies." (Proverbs 31:10) She is RARE! She is REAL! But she is RARE...and valuable. I have personally not met many women like her. Have you?

I'd love to hear of any P31 woman you know or have known and what made them Proverbs 31 women in your eyes.

Lived Out Teaching!

This morning, I poured a cup of coffee, extra cream and sugar! And pulled up with an expectant heart to the table of Mrs. P31. Will you join us?

I began with Proverbs 31:1-9 and my eyes were opened to all the crucial instruction this wise mother gives her son. The major 'lessons to remember' included ...

1) not giving his strength to women (strength in this verse is the same word used for virtuous or excellent in the famous verse 10!)
2) not choosing a path that destroys
3) not getting drunk, hence impairing your judgement
4) speak up for those unable to speak up for themselves
5) judge righteously and defend the rights of the needy

In all her good advice and patient teaching, the one thing she alphabetizes and puts emphasis on is finding an excellent wife! Why did she go through the trouble of (in the Hebrew) alphabetizing the next portion of wisdom?

Because as a wife and mother herself, she knew the weight and value a woman has in the home. The wife really is the heart of her home!

"An excellent wife is the crown of her husband" Proverbs 12:4 teaches.

Some say this mother WAS a P31 woman, I tend to agree, since I notice my own sons learn best by EXAMPLE rather than words! This mother probably taught her son by possibly singing and reciting this passage to him, but she probably also LIVED IT OUT! She knew the real outcome and fruit of her son's life would be GREATLY affected by the woman he choose as a bride!
Even a good man can be corrupted by a poor woman! Amen?

As I come away from my time with Mrs. P31 today, I am taking with me a renewed desire to walk my talk to my own children! If you have children, remember they are watching! What are we teaching with actions today?

I am also taking with me the conviction to be the joyful and ever-present wife my husband needs...not as a result of what he does, but as an overflow in love and service to my Savior. How is my heart being reflected in my home and in my service to my dear husband?

I look forward to meeting you in Mrs. P31's bedroom as we discuss marriage with her next time!!

Marriage Tips from Mrs. Proverbs 31

There is much to say on the topic of marriage in regards to the lessons from Proverbs 31 alone! Her example is given to us by God (all Scripture is God-breathed see 1 Timothy 3:16-17), for our teaching and reproof.
Let's pray for a teachable heart as we approach a daunting woman.

As we sit with Mrs. Proverbs 31 (who, I do believe was and is and can be a real woman), we see her relationship with her husband clearly through out this passage.

"The heart of her husband trusts in her, And he will have no lack of gain." Proverbs 31:11

This is only one of 4 verses that directly speaks of her husband and one of over 8 verses that indirectly point to her husband and family. This woman has her priorities in order! Her husband is number 1 in her book! And he knows it! He trusts her and knows he will lack nothing he values.

What does your husband value from you? Friendship, intimacy (of course!), a well kept home, being dinner on the table at night...one thing I have learned, is that without asking him, don't guess! I was surprised at how much more my husband valued being greeted at the door than an immaculate home!

A commentary on the Hebrew language says of verse 11 "it paints a picture of this woman as a mighty warrior who utilizes her abilities for the benefit of her husband's domain."

Put it into practice:

Are you and I quick to utilize our abilities for the benefit of our husbands and their domain? No one else may ever know of all our tongue-biting, sweetness and service towards our husbands...but God knows and He is well pleased. What are your gifts and abilities? How are you using them FOR your husband?

Let's dig a bit deeper into Mrs. P31's marriage next time and see how she does him good ALL the days of her life!

Don't Try...DIE!

Are you ready for a chat with Mrs. Proverbs 31 that may leave your toes bruised? Mine are!!

Proverbs 31: 12 speaks highly of her relationship towards her husband.

" She does him good and not evil all the days of her life."

First of all the word translated 'good' here is the Hebrew word 'tob' and it means such things as lovely,
and cheerful.

Are these words that describe you and me? Even more, are they words that describe us within our homes?
Isn't it easier sometimes to be cheerful at church? Joyful with your friends? Pleasant to the neighbor next door? Oh, but when you have had little sleep, the laundry is piled high, the kids are fighting and your husband comes home late...it becomes a bit tougher to be joyful, beautiful, lovely.

This Proverbs 31 woman does this all the days of her life?! How is that possible?!

Judging by this lady's fruit in verses like 26, it is easy to see her 'goodness' does not come from trying but rather from dying.

She fears the Lord, verse 30 tells us, thus she is in awe of Him and lives her life exalting Him and crucifying her own flesh. THAT is painful, but necessary to bearing Proverbs 31 fruit!!

Spending daily time with the Lord and constant meditation on His Word is the only way I can even hope to develop character that bears beautiful fruit! I desire to be a woman who builds her home in the same manner Mrs. P31 built hers...not to tear it down with my own hands (which I can be prone to do in my flesh!).

I pray today we would look first to Jesus to be filled with His love through His Spirit (Romans 5:5) and thus be beautiful, joyful, lovely and pleasant wives within our homes first!

A Working Attitude

Today we get to pull up a stool beside Mrs. P31 as she works at the spinning wheel making cloth for her family.

"She selects wool and flax and works with her hands in delight...She stretches out her hands to the distaff, and her hands grasp the spindle." (Proverbs 31:13, 19)

As I researched this task that is so foreign to me (and most of us in America in 2008), one main point crossed all culture and generations...this woman was and had to be prepared!

The task of making cloth took several days...entire days! And it involved several steps, none of which were 'easy'! After all the time and effort she would have maybe 2 shirts and a blanket!

The thing about it, though, is that everyone who wanted to wear clothes, had to do this! It is like us shopping for clothes for our families! You have to buy clothes, you have to wash clothes, if you want to have clothes to wear, right?!

So what made her different? What made Mrs. P31 rare? Look again at verse 13..."she works with her hands in delight," the NASB says. It was her attitude!

She worked hard, she had much to do, she had to prepare and then she choose to have the right attitude about her work! She worked 'eagerly' and 'willingly' as other translations say.

So as we leave her home today, tired from carding wool along side her, we can be thankful we live in a different time, where we are free to never have to thread a spindle! But we must take the truths she taught us and apply them to our day!

Taking it home:
What are the tasks the Lord is calling me to do? How can I prepare delightfully and willingly? Are we taking time before Jesus to seek renewal, so we can approach our household chores...laundry, cleaning, cooking, working, with a Jesus-like attitude?

I have found when I approach a task with verbal thankfulness, my attitude follows suit! "Jesus, I thank you for running water to wash my clothes. I thank you for healthy children that can muddy the clothes. I thank you for my own health to carry this laundry basket and for the money to buy detergent." Seems silly at first, but sometimes it takes something dramatic to focus my attitude and cause me to work with delight!!

"Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men." (Colossians 3:23)

Early Morning Tasks at Mrs. P31's

As we step further into the life and ways of Mrs. P31, let us remember why God has provided us this passage...

"All scripture is inspired by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for training in righteousness; so that the [woman] of God may be adequate, equipped for every good work." (2 Timothy 3:16-17)

NOT for guilt and condemnation, but rather for correction and training so you might be equipped for EVERY good work!

Today, we arrive at Mrs. P31's home early, even before the sun is up, to witness her morning activity...

"She rises while it is yet night and gets (spiritual) food for her household and assigns her maids their tasks." (Proverbs 31:15 Amplified Bible)

Now, most women of her day had to rise early to prepare food for their family. They did not have quick and easy breakfasts!! EVERYTHING was from scratch! But as the Amplified tells us, Mrs. P31 rose extra early in order to provide what her family really needed first...spiritual food!

Job 23:12 tells us, "I have esteemed and treasured the words of His mouth more than my necessary food." This was the heart of Mrs P31. She rose early to dig deep into the Word of God and spend time in prayer for her family first, so that she would be prepared to disciple her children (feed them spiritual food) when they got up. This is not easy...but nothing worth doing ever is!

This verse also points out another aspect of her preparations, she rose early to then assign tasks to her maids. Most of us probably do not have the half dozen or so servants this lady had...or do we? Mine go by the name...dishwasher, washing machine, dryer...praise the Lord for these 'maids'!!

Taking a lesson from Mrs. P31, we can 'assign' our maids their tasks early in the morning...throw in a load of laundry in the morning, turn on the dishwasher before going to bed, so it can be unloaded in the morning, etc....so we can be freed up to disciple our children and minister to our husbands as needed.

Like us, this lady did not assign the maids their tasks and then spend the day chatting at the local well with the gals! Oh, no! She had an 'afar' market to get to and wool and flax to seek, remember?!

She had her priorities in order...as should we! First and best for her family because she had fed on God's truth! I pray we would carry this truth with us as we leave her home today.

Father, I pray You would awaken us morning by morning , awaken my ear to hear as a disciple, that I might feed daily on Your live-giving Word and be prepared then to feed my own children on Your Word. Help me to diligently use my time wisely and assign my 'maids their tasks' so I would be freed up to serve my family as You have called me to. By the power and grace of my Savior, Jesus. Amen.

Expanding Prudently

Step into the field near Mrs. Proverbs 31's home, as we seek to learn from her spending habits and responsibilities.

Praise the Lord for this beautiful example of a godly woman in His Word! Remembering all she does is an outpouring of her fear, reverence and worship of her trustworthy God, let's dig in and see what we can glean from her field purchase.

"She considers a field and buys it; from her earnings she plants a vineyard." Proverbs 31:16

This verse (as all the others in this passage) have more to say about our character and relationship with Jesus, than with physically purchasing land. The Amplified Bible offers a beautiful depth of insight...

"She considers a (new) field before she buys or accepts it [expanding prudently and not courting neglect of her present duties by assuming other duties]; with her savings [of time and strength] she plants fruitful vines in her vineyards."

After reading the AMP version, the Holy Spirit made very clear to me what made this woman different. Though it was unusual for women of her time to buy land in the first place, I believe what set her apart (and what can set us apart) was the fact she 'expanded prudently and not courting neglect of her present duties by assuming other duties.'

She was wise in the responsibilities she took on...more than likely, being faithful to pray through each new opportunity before proceeding with it. Her number one priority was always her family, those within her home!

Taking the truth home:
As opportunities are placed before us...new bible studies, service opportunities, chances to make money for our family...are you and I being faithful to really spend time before the Lord and seek HIS direction and plan for us? Are you and I careful to give our first and best to those within our home? Are we expanding prudently and not courting neglect to our present duties (those God has shown us) by assuming other duties?

Father, make us women who represent Jesus by doing as He did...ministering through a heart of love for you. Give us hearts to love the gifts of family you have placed within our homes first and best to your glory!

Girding Up!

As we step a bit deeper into the life of Mrs. Proverbs 31, I pray we would continue to allow the Word of the Lord to change us...I know I need it!!

At first glance I thought it was merely a verse on exercise..."She girds herself with strength, And makes her arms strong." (Proverbs 31:17 NASB)

The original wording draws an obvious distinction between the two halves of the verse. The first part speaks of her inner person, her inner strength, her thoughts and emotions. The second part speaks of her outer person, her physical strength (yes, exercise!)

We are to strengthen our physical bodies. According to 1 Corinthians 6:19-20 believers are a temple of the Lord, thus we must respect and care for our bodies as such! Mrs. P31's daily life required the physical strength of her arms and body. But what made her rare and excellent (Proverbs 31:10) was the strength with which she surrounded herself. We can know by the context, it was the strength of the Lord!

The original word translated 'gird' is the word 'hagar' meaning to encircle or fasten as with a belt for battle; to surround oneself; to prepare for action.Mrs. P31 encircles and surrounds herself with God's strength. As the AMP Bible puts it she girded herself with 'spiritual, mental and physical fitness for her God-given tasks.' Her God-given not self-appointed tasks!

Ephesians 6:10 tells born-again believers in the Lord Jesus, to be strong in the Lord and in the strength of His might. How? Ephesians goes on to tell us by putting on the whole armor of God!!

Mrs. P31 more likely wore armor than pearls! (spiritually speaking!!)

According to Psalm 84:5-7, the pilgrims traveling to Jerusalem went from strength to strength. Each new day God supplied their needed strength. As you and I travel to our heavenly Jerusalem, we can trust God to supply our daily needed strength!

The Lord used 1 Peter 4:11, "...whoever serves is to do so as one who is serving by the strength which God supplies...", to show me He gives me enough strength to serve in the capacity HE has called me to serve.

So if I am weary and worn out, it is not because He is not faithful, but rather because I am using my portion of today's strength in the wrong, not God-appointed way! We are to pour ourselves out as a drink offering to Him (Philippians 2:17), but not grow weary in doing good (the good He calls us to!).

Isaiah 40:29-31 gives us a beautiful promise... it promises you and me that "those who wait on the Lord, will gain new strength"!!

What is it to wait or hope expectantly in the Lord?
* listening when you'd rather speak (or yell!)
* submitting or yielding your right to be right
* seeing others through Christ's eyes

It does not means stop moving or working or doing, but rather don't act on impulse!! (ouch!)

What do you need to gird yourself with God's strength for today? What is today's need? Write it out and take it to Jesus, He alone can supply it. Seek today's portion of strength, then use it as HE directs!!

Thank you , Father, that you are my strength and my shield; my heart trusts in you, and I am helped; therefore my heart rejoices, and with my song today I thank you! Thank you, father, that you are the strength of all your daughters and a saving defense to each one. be our shepherd today, Father, and carry each one of us by your strength. (Psalm 28: 7-8). AMEN.

Night Light

Do you ever have seasons of darkness? of trials? Even staleness?As a mother, I can have a morning of joy with the Lord and be in a trial by lunchtime!

As a woman there may be a particular week of darkness each month! Seasons can last a day, a week or even years! Financial struggles, illness, deaths in the family, even moves can bring on a season of darkness...a night season.

I found it encouraging as I dug into Mrs. Proverbs 31's life, that she, too, experiences night seasons...but it is all in how we shine through them!

"She tastes and sees that her gain from work (with and for God) is good; her lamp does not go out, but it burns on continually through the night (of trouble, or sorrow, warning away fear, doubt and distrust)." Proverbs 31:18 AMP

The first part of the verse speaks of her daily tasks being done with and for God, not man! Thus her gain (literally profit, or benefits of wisdom) is good.

This is definitely something I need to meditate on through out the day...Jesus IS right here in the midst of my piled laundry, home school books, and dirty dishes. He is right here when my son asks theological questions about angels. He is right here when the bills exceed the money and He is right here when I get sidetracked on the computer!! (Praise the Lord, He is also quick to convict me!)

The Amplified Bible really casts a new light on her lamp not going out at night. (pardon the pun!) This verse is not necessarily calling us to be up all night, but rather to remain a light even in the dark season of our lives. The Proverbs 31 woman is fruitful in dry seasons!

How is she a light when life is dark? More importantly, how can we be?

Psalm 1 echos an answer for us... "[She] will be like a tree firmly planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in its season And its leaf does not wither; and in whatever [she] does [she] prospers." (verse 3)

We must be firmly planted by streams of Living Water... Jesus! To be firmly planted, our roots are deep and our footing is secure. We have to spend time developing a relationship daily with Jesus...even when life is going well! So that when (because it will) life thrusts us into a dark season, we are firmly planted and able to bear much fruit to the Father's glory!

Are you currently in a night season? Be encouraged to know you are not alone! Verse 6 in the same Psalm promises "The Lord knows the way of the righteous." If you have a relationship with Jesus, he is there and will not ever leave you...He will be the One who makes you shine brightly, even in the night!! Just as the moon shines the light of the sun better at night, we often shine the light of the Son best at night!

Looking Like Jesus!

In my home we have a saying we use when we catch one another being humble or a joyful servant. We say "you look like Jesus." My boys love it when I catch them being kind (when they least expect me to see) and whisper in their ear..."You looked like Jesus right there." They always smile big!

In our journey with Mrs. Proverbs 31, we come to a verse that had me thinking someone ought to whisper to her "you look like Jesus." As I dug deeper into the verse the Lord revealed to me just how much!

Proverbs 31:20 reads "She extends her hand to the poor, And she stretches out her hands to the needy."

The original Hebrew root word translated 'poor' in this verse is the same root word translated 'poor' or 'afflicted' in Isaiah 61:1...the very ministry description of Christ.

"The Spirit of the Lord God is upon me, Because the Lord has anointed me to bring good news to the afflicted..."

The word means poor, afflicted, needy, lowly. It can refer to some one's outward or inward condition. Just as Jesus acted with mercy on those who were afflicted in spirit, Mrs. P31 and those who are pursuing to be like her, must act with godly mercy on those who are poor and needy both inwardly and outwardly.

Elizabeth George says of Mrs. P31 that "without this godly mercy, her industry and activity could make her harsh and hurried; she'd be too busy to care." Without a heart of compassion and mercy, WE can be too busy to care! But through daily time with the Lord in His Word, we can be filled with His Spirit to love and minister to those He gives us eyes to see that day.

Mrs. P31 was rare, not because she gave to the poor, but because she did it out of an overflow of her own relationship with a merciful God.

Taking it home: Are you and I asking the Lord for eyes to see the needs of others...physical and spiritual? Are we too busy with our own lives to stop and pray with a friend? to take a meal to a neighbor? to love on those in need? Let's ask Jesus to search our calendar and teach us to remove 'busyness' that prevents us from stretching out our hand to those in need. Ask Him for eyes to see needs today that you can meet...let's begin within the walls of our home!

Fashion Tips with Mrs. P31

As we take fashion tips from the closet of Mrs. Proverbs 31 today, we will uncover what makes even her fashion rare.

As we step into her closet we see...

(Proverbs 31:21-22) "She is not afraid of the snow for her household, for all her household are clothed with scarlet. She makes coverings for herself; her clothing is fine linen and purple."

Fashion tip #1: Worry lines are unbecoming, but Christ is the beauty solution!

Mrs.P31 is not a woman of worries and fears and anxieties. Verse 21 teaches us why...'for her household is clothed with scarlet'. In the Old Testament, references to the scarlet cord pointed to the One who's blood would one day purify them...our own Savior, Jesus (see Hebrews 9:19-20). It reminds me of Rahab's cord of salvation (Joshua 2:18) being such a beautiful picture of our own cord of salvation...the saving scarlet blood of Jesus.

Hundreds of years before her Messiah's feet landed on the sod of earth, Mrs. P31 trusted Him to clothe her household, thus keeping her from worries concerning their future (mortal and eternal). Are you and I living out an example of a woman who trusts her Savior? Are we commiting ourselves to prayer for our husbands, our children, their futures? Is He the ever-present cloak of scarlet surrounding your home? Are you and I living with an awareness of his presence in our homes and lives?

Fashion Tip #2: Dress like the temple you are!

The Amplified Bible gave this elaboration of verse 22 "Her clothing is of linen, pure and fine and of purple (such as that of which the clothing of the priests, the hallowed cloths of the temple were made.)" Did you catch that? She was dressed in clothes like that of priests, like that used in the very temple of God!

Nothing could be more appropriate...check out 1 Corinthians 6:19-20, dear child of God, "Or do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit who is in you, whom you have from God, and that you are not your own? For you have been bought with a price: therefore glorify God in your body." You and I, as believers in Jesus Christ, the One True God, are indwelt by His very Spirit and thus we ARE the temple of the Living God! Are you and I 'dressing' as such?

Check out 1 Peter 3:3-4 and 1 Timothy 2:9! Outwardly, are we to be modest and discrete in our clothing. Inwardly we are to have a gentle, quiet spirit...a spirit that is at peace with her God.

Are you and I caring for the temple of God as if we KNOW our bodies really are His temple? Ouch! If I could keep this truth before me, I would exercise with more regularity. I would be more purposeful with what I eat and drink (less sugar, caffeine, junk food). What will you do differently?

Mrs. P31's clothing is rare because she dresses with the security of who she is...as a daughter who can trust her Heavenly Father and as a temple of her Living God. You and I can choose to daily dress like her by choosing by the power of the Spirit to trust our faithful God and to choose to live like the temple we are! What will you wear today?

A Word About Mr. P31

Pull up a chair with Mrs. P31 today as she gives us another glimpse into becoming godly wives that glorify the Lord.

In the midst of several passages that begin with "she" and expound on great truths and examples for us, we find a small treasure about MR. P31!!"

Her husband is known in the gates, when he sits among the elders of the land." Proverbs 31:23

Upon meditating on this gem of a verse, the Lord spoke to my heart about how it relates to Mrs. P31 and how it relates to me, as a wife.

I gleaned 3 applicable truths from this verse that I want to share with you...
1) Mr. P31 is a respectable man. The gates of a city was the place of business transactions and trade. For him to be 'known in the gates' and to 'sit among the elders of the land', he had to be a wise and respectable leader.

2) Mr. P31 was respected! This man was known in the gates and successful because he felt respected. He was first and foremost honored and respected by his wife. We (men and women) will live up to (or down to) what we believe those closest to us see us as.

I am not saying this is right...we ought to see ourselves in Jesus and live up to that high calling. But you know this is true.

As we practice respecting our husbands and see them as the men we want them to become, they will, by the grace of God (and lots of prayer and love), begin to grow into that man!

(Please know, I do not have this down pat myself! (or any of this P31 stuff!!) That is WHY God has led me to study it and apply it more than ever lately! He is not finished with me yet, praise Jesus! )

Now your husband may or may not be a respectable man, by God's grace we can respect them and honor them FOR Jesus. Which brings us to #3...

3) I believe this verse is more about MRS.P31 than her husband! In order to respect and honor our husbands, Mrs. P31 knows we must begin by mediating on his respectful aspects. Here in the midst of her daily tasks, her husband is mentioned. Could it be she was thinking of how respected he is and how much she honors him?

If my husband and I 'disagree' in the morning before he leaves for work, I can seethe all day and really tear him down when he gets home. Or I can choose to praise Jesus for my husband's good qualities and be prepared with love and forgiveness when he comes home (or with an apology!).

I believe with or without a disagreement, we can take a lesson from Mrs. P31 and begin to think thoughts that honor our men, so that when we speak about him or to him, we easily speak love, respect and honor for the man God has appointed as head of our home.

Serving, Saving & Giving

Today, we come to, yet another, thread in Mrs. P31's sewing kit. Take heart though, dear sewing-impaired sister (like me!!)...as we have already learned, Mrs. P31's specific skills are not what we are to mimic! There is MUCH more in her life than meets the eye! By the power of the Holy Spirit living within believers in Christ, we can and ought to mimic Mrs. P31's rarity. What is it that makes her 'excellent', 'virtuous'? It is Jesus, every time!! Amen?

Let's see what character trait of His we find in Mrs. P31 today..."She makes linen garments and sells them, and supplies (literally 'gives') belts to the tradesmen." Proverbs 31:24

Three examples of her creativity stood out to me as I unwrapped this passage before the Lord.

1) She utilizes her God-given creativity and uses the best material to do so (linen). What is YOUR God-given creativity or talent? How can you best use it to bring glory to the Lord and minister to your family?

I have a dear friend who makes beautiful scrapbooks for her children. She uses beautiful material and creates pages and books that glorify God and secure memories for her family. You can find her blog here.

2) Mrs.P31 displays a creative outlet to make money for her family. Whether you work out of the home or not, as the woman of the home you and I have the ability to creatively make our family money by saving it! Coupons, bargain shopping and sales are great ways for us to make wise money choices for our families.

My favorite coupon site I have recently started benefiting from is coupons.com...I bet our Mrs.P clips and saves coupons, don't you?!

3) Mrs. P31's final creative display of wisdom is found in her giving! She is not just a weekly tither at her church...she displays "Jesus-like" behavior in her serving the needy in verse 20 and here in verse 24, she 'gives' or 'supplies' tradesmen with a beautiful belts they would use to gather the long, flowing garments of her day. How can you and I be creative in our giving and serving? How can we use our God-given gifts to minister to others?

Can you cook? Cook for a neighbor. Can you sew? Sew a scarf for the postman. Can you read?? Offer to care for a friend's child and read to them...the Lord has been showing me how very practical He is and expects me to be! He is just as glorified in my rocking a friend's baby or in making a meal for a neighbor as when I do something 'big' (in my book) for Him...maybe more so!!

Let's ask Him to show us where we can creatively serve, save and give for HIS glory alone!

How Are You Clothed?

What do you think of when you think of dressing yourself in the morning?
Stylish clothing, comfortable jeans, cute shoes...

1 Peter 3:3-4 reminds us..."Your adornment must not be merely external---braiding the hair, and wearing gold jewelry, or putting on dresses; but let it be the hidden person of the heart, with the imperishable quality of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is precious in the sight of God."

Ever reflecting her Savior, Mrs. P31 dressed herself likewise...
"Strength and dignity are her clothing, And she smiles at the future." Proverbs 31:25

Three applicable points press us into Jesus from this beautiful verse.

1) She dressed in strength. The word translated 'strength' is the Hebrew word 'oz,' it refers to strength and power, it depicts the Lord as the source of one's strength. We saw this to be true in verse 17, as well...when she girded herself with the strength of the Lord.

2) She dresses in dignity. The word that was profound to me is the original word translated 'dignity' in this verse. It is the word 'hadar' meaning to adorn, and it is a word used positively in the sense of showing respect and it denotes the splendor which characterizes God's presence. Did you catch that? Mrs. P31 is clothed in the obvious presence of God! She demonstrated that through her respect for others.

Exodus 33:16 Moses begs God to not remove His presence, because he knew it was the very thing that distinguished God' people from all the other people on the planet! Mrs.P31 knows that, too!

3) She smiles at her future. James 4:14 warns us against boasting in the future, because it is unsure. We are but a vapor...here today, gone tomorrow! So why could Mrs. P31 smile at the future? Because she knows Who holds it. She did not trust in her money, social position, good works or good intentions. She trusts in the One true God. Those who trust Jesus Christ as their Savior and their ONLY way to heaven, can also smile at the future.

Taking it Home:
*What are you and I gaining strength from? Our children? Our money? Our good service?
*What are we respecting? That which GOD respects, esteems and finds value in (ie. other people), or that which the world tells us to respect...OURSELVES!?
*Can you honestly say your spiritual future is secure in Christ and you KNOW you will undoubtedly immediately enter heaven when you die? If not, please click here and feel free to email me with any questions.

Watch that Tongue!

As we incline our hear to the words Mrs. P31 shares, we will hear God's very Word of truth.

"She opens her mouth in wisdom, And the teaching of kindness is on her tongue." Proverbs 31:26

Be warned: this is definitely a toe-bruising verse...at least for me!! I pray God will use it to make us look a bit more like Jesus today!

I love the literal rendering of this verse in the NASB, 'she opens her mouth in wisdom.' It seems to imply her mouth is not opened other than to speak wisdom! Earlier in Proverbs we learn "When there are many words, transgression is unavoidable, But he (or she) who restrains his lips is wise" (Proverbs 10:19).

Not that she was sinless, or never spoke a harsh word...this side of heaven, none of us are (Romans 3:23). But obviously what is memorable about her speech is not harsh, critical gossip but rather wisdom and kindness.

"How did she do it?" I asked the Lord in prayer as I dug into His Word. I am seeking the Lord for much needed direction on this topic, as my own mouth definitely spends time chewing on my foot!!

The Lord brought Luke 6:45 to mind in answer to my question. "As the good man out of the good treasure of his heart brings forth what is good; and the evil man out of the evil treasure brings forth what is evil; for his mouth speaks from that which fills his heart."

The Lord is teaching me, it is not by trying to say what is wise and kind that Mrs.P31 can have such a beautiful mouth. But rather it is the natural overflow of a heart filled with wisdom and kindness (what is good).

So it begs the question, "How do I get wisdom and kindness to so fill my own heart that it overflows out towards my family and those the Lord brings before me today?" The original word for mouth in this verse is convicting...it portrays the external manifestation of an individual's character! Essentially, you are what you say! Ouch!

Proverbs 9:10 teaches us that the fear (or reverence) of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. That's where we have to start! And the original word for kindness in Proverbs 31:26 is the word 'hesed' meaning merciful and loving kindness, it is an important Old Testament word that is central to God's character.Thus you can't speak the wisdom or the 'hesed' of God without a true fear or reverence of God and a daily filling of His Spirit. Only by His Spirit within us can we have 'hesed' ...it is central to who He is!The literal translation of Galatians 5:25 reminds us that to live by the Spirit , we must also follow or walk by the Spirit.

Practically speaking...are you and I spending time daily at His feet in prayer and in His Word so we can be filled with a fresh dose of His Spirit? You and I are sealed by the Spirit when we came to know Him (Ephesians 4:30), but daily we can be refreshed as we confess and seek Him anew (1 John 1:9). Do you have a verse you are working on memorizing right now? That is one key I am learning to prioritize in my hectic schedule!

The more we dig into His Word, the more we will reverence God, thus gaining wisdom. The more we seek Him in prayer, the more we are filled with the Spirit to act then on kindness...not by our power but His! The Word and prayer are like 2 sticks of dynamite, I once heard a teacher say, when they are brought together they are combustible power against the devil.

Let's practice letting the Word abide in us, making us powerful for the kingdom of God within our own homes, neighborhoods and communities.

Mrs.P's Planner

Soccer practices, piano lessons, church activities, laundry piled high, dinner to be made...

Wives and mothers are no strangers to busyness. At first glance I thought our next verse was just a given--Mrs.Proverbs 31 was busy like we all are, right? Well, not exactly!

"She looks well to the ways of her household, And does not eat the bread of idleness." Proverbs 31:27

This verse, like the ones preceding it, adds another brush stroke to the beautiful and rare portrait of a true woman of God. Yes, she was busy...previous verses have taught us that! But this verse teaches two specific qualities about godliness that go beyond just busyness.
God does not call us to be mindlessly busy for the sake of being busy! The world does!

Mrs.P31's busyness included looking well to the ways of her own household. The key word here can be translated 'keeps watch' or 'looks out over.' She is a mama who knows what is going on in the lives of her family members...physically AND spiritually! She watchfully protects them with much prayer and by purposely staying involved in each moment.

In light of her busyness, she does not eat the bread of idleness. The Amplified Bible says "She looks well to how things go in her household, and the bread of idleness (gossip, discontent and self-pity) she will not eat."

What a clear picture of a woman who is turned away from empty chatter (on the phone, online, or outside the home) which leads to gossip, discontentment and self-pity. And she is turned towards her home-- her husband and family.

How are you and I positioning ourselves today? Are we turned towards the world's temptation to chat all day mindlessly, thus leading us away from our God-given calling to remain busy at home (Titus 2:5)? Or are we remaining protective watchtowers over the lives of the precious gifts God has placed in our care...physically and spiritually?

Father, make us godly watchtowers over the homes You have blessed us with. Give me discernment today to protect my time with my children and husband for Your glory! Thank You for the continued example of Mrs.Proverbs 31. Thank You that she is not to condemn us, because there is no condemnation in Christ. But rather, she is a living example of godliness for those who are seeking to look a bit more like You today. To the praise and glory of Jesus only. Amen.

Illuminating Relationships

How would you describe your individual relationship with each of your children? Moreover, how would they describe it? What about the relationship, the friendship, with your husband?
The fruit of the presence of God in the life of Mrs.Proverbs 31 is evidenced in her relationship with her children and her husband.

"Her children rise up and bless her; Her husband also, and he praises her saying: 'Many daughters have done nobly, but you excel them all.' " Proverbs 31:28-29

Her relationship with her children is illustrated in the key words 'rise up' and 'bless her'.
The original word for 'rise up' is qum meaning to stand up and figuratively means to show honor and respect. These were children who stood up to honor and respect their mother. Why? Surely she had trained them to respect her from and early age and in their eyes, she was worthy of it. How can that be? She developed and fed a rich relationship with her children...not being their 'friend' but their respected mother and mentor. I believe the age of the children is not given here, because this relationship was not for a season, but rather it was true of her relationship with her children throughout their lives.

The word for 'bless her' is a word that is used when a man has done something positive deserving of congratulations and blessing (ie. one who trusts the Lord without equivocation). I found this interesting. It tells us that not only did this mama love the Lord and her children noticed that relationship; but that they saw it as praise worthy! Those P 31 children must've valued the things of the Lord themselves to see their mother's relationship with God as praise worthy.

Are you and I so developing a mentoring relationship with our children that not only displays our relationship with Jesus, but makes it appealing to our children? Are we training them to honor and respect us as God teaches in His word?

As for her relationship with her husband, he blesses her AND 'praises her'. This is the word 'halel', where we get 'hallelujah' from (which means praise the Lord). It is a word meaning to praise, but also to be bright, to shine, to be splendid, to celebrate, to give light; at the heart of this word is the idea of radiance. What woman doesn't want to be radiant? Especially to her husband?

Psalm 34:5 tells us of those who look to the Lord..."They looked to Him and were radiant, and their faces will never be ashamed." Mrs. P31 is a woman who looks to her Lord, thus those around her (starting with her husband!) can see His radiance on her.

Finally, I want to look at what her husband says about her. It transformed how I saw this entire passage of scripture. He says of her "Many daughters have done nobly, But you excel them all."
The word here translated 'nobly' is the exact same word as in verse 10 translated 'excellent' or 'virtuous'. Therefore, he is saying..."Many daughters (of God) are virtuous, excellent and noble." Verse 10 tells us it is rare to find a woman like this, yet he says 'many'...why? Because compared to her they are a dime a dozen!! Because he says...'But YOU excel them all'!! She is rarer than rare!! These qualities are NOT easy to find in a woman... but God included them in His Holy Word for US to know we CAN be this rarer than rare treasure! It's not US! But rather Jesus in us that illuminates through our lives.

How can you and I shine Jesus today? It begins with prayer and mediation on His Word and it lives with the action of outward selfless service toward others...beginning in our own homes!

A Benediction

As we rise to leave Mrs. Proverbs 31's home, these last verses call behind us as a benediction we can hold on to.

"Charm is deceitful and beauty is vain, But a woman who fears the Lord, she shall be praised. Give her the product of her hands, And let her works praise her in the gates." Proverbs 31:30-31

The truth of these verses contradicts the lies our culture sells us. They hand us the treasure that women who reverence and worship the one true God can hope in...a woman who fears (literally means reverence and worships) the Lord, she shall be praised.

A reminder our glory is not in our selves and our praise is not to be sought this side of heaven. But the fruit of our hands goes before us and praises us. What kind of fruit are you and I putting our hands to producing?

"But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control" Galatians 5:22-23a

Just as God's presence permeated throughout the verses of Proverbs 31, making her a rarer than rare treasure; His presence goes with every believer, making us distinct and rare treasures for His glory. Exodus 33:16 reminds us that it is the Lord's very presence that sets us apart from all the other people of the earth.

So let's go from Mrs.P31's home and know the real Mrs.P31 is you and me--women who love Jesus and are seeking to glorify Him with their lives, their homes and their ministry to their family. Women who fear the Lord, they shall be praised by the One they serve.

Father, I pray that by the power of your Spirit within us, as believers in Jesus Christ, you would transform our lives as we seek to glorify you in them. Remind us when we come across Mrs. P31 that her portrait is not there to condemn us to take up sewing lessons, but rather to draw ever nearer to the One who can redeem lives and make sinners into saints. Thank you, Father, for all you have taught me through this passage of Scripture...write it boldly on my heart, that I would not soon neglect the high calling of marriage and motherhood for selfish ambitions. Make my life a spot light on Jesus only. To His glory and in His name. Amen.